Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to run a successful online business

Actually, I have no idea how to do that. But I now know how to coordinate a conference booth, get together 10's of thousands of dollars worth of education materials and create a marketing program while riding motorcycles through south america. The good news is that future conferences will seem as easy as catching a cold from a baby. As I sit here in the Chicago airport waiting to return to our previous life of motorcycle riding (after only a week and a half I have already forgotten what it feels like) I want to take the time to reflect on what we just went through… and what better way than to do it in verse:

(if this seems like a silly gimmick to you than I have to apologize;
but sometimes writing a blog can feel like my demise;
So I have to keep my mind entertained and happy;
otherwise my writing won't feel so snappy)

8 days in chicago, oh what a dream;
it should be so fun, or so it would seem;
the art institute and a chicago dog;
a deep dish pizza and some lake michigan fog;
but when you fly back to the states for a short time;
to work a conference for our business online;
the inside of hotels is about all you see;
that and a thousand faces of teachers montessori;
 which is to say it is truly a pleasure;
montessorian hearts are something to treasure;

when we arrived in Chicago we jumped on the train;
found our hotel room with very little pain;
we tracked down all the boxes that have come from near and far;
assembled it all in our room without the use of a car;
we called our connection like our friends at Hello Wood;
to ensure our small booth would look tidy and good;
we came up with a plan on how to create a small shop;
and at 6:00 am got our boxes and ourselves to the Marriott; 

Through Megan's good taste and with my sales history;
we set up a fantastic display for all to see;
we were ready to take credit cards, cash or check;
we had our receipts and hoped the whole thing wouldn't turn into a wreck;
The doors opened and it was on;
we worked out tushies off to dusk from dawn;

And so it went for 4 days in a row;
Selling our goods at the montessori trade show;
We met administrators, teachers, and even nuns;
They all loved our stuff but teachers are perpetually short on funds;
We held our ground and kept our prices fair;
we needed to break even, so the discounts were rare;
They all loved our cards, said they were the most beautiful;
The gave us suggestions, we wrote down it all;

We sold culture bags made in ecuador;
The teachers, they loved them, the bags they adored;
All those proceeds go to school;
We are raising money for a scholarship, now that's pretty cool;
Some were nervous to spend 40 bucks;
So we didn't sell them all, being left with 15 more sucks;
Wanna buy a bag? They have fun things, you can see;
All you have to do is visit montessori123;

At the end, we had sold quite a bit;
A little shy of profitable, but so it went;
We were so very tired but needed to break down the booth;
With our minds numb, we felt our lack of youth;
We looked around and realized we were the last around;
In a stupor and a daze we tried to take it all down;
It took us two hours to load it into boxes;
Our minds were numb, like two tired foxes;

Then for two more days, we processed our orders;
We calculated our wins and our losses in our hotel quarters;
We thought about next time and what we would do;
We sent our boxes home. Fedex, we love you.

So that was it and now here we are
Flying back to Santiago which seems really really far.
We'll jump on the bikes and have time to ponder
about what we just went through over yonder
in chicago for just over a week
and that was my poem, now its your turn to speak.

Drop us a comment and let us know where you stand
Did you like the verse, or does it sound sort of canned?


  1. Loved the verse! And the story. Hope your stuff you will sell lots a more-y!

  2. Great to hear from you guys! Great Idea, I'll be following your companies progress closely. let me know if you need any help in web development or design. I'm all about good causes :)

    Travel, Teach, Create, & Ride safe!

  3. Awesome new direction!! I tried street fairs in New York, trade shows for my patio umbrellas, and various venues for jewelry lines--it takes a tremendous amount of work to make it happen, but when you get it right there's a snowball effect.
    I don't know if you SEO your site, but I have just linked to it from my biggest site to help with the Google link love. Wishing you all the best!

  4. Wow, You are the Homer of Conference Booth Coordination. Have fun in Santiago. PS. We went out with the folksyou sent our way. Lots of birds. Thanks.


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