Friday, August 18, 2006

Plan C implemented

Megan and I spent the entire day in Orem (just outside of Provo- the most conservative city in the US- literally- 80% of provo voted for Bush). We walked around through many parking lots and 60s housing. We did manage to find a health food store and felt like we had found an oasis of non-mormons. Still couldn't find any coffee though. We went and saw "some pirate movie" as the woman at the ticket counter described Pirates of the Caribbean 2 at this funky community theater.
After the movie, we walked back to the dealership where they informed us that they had ordered the wrong part and that the van wasn't going to be done that day. Oh well. Time to implement plan C. I called my friend Heath in Salt Lake, he came and picked us up and we stayed at his place. I took megan to the airport this morning with heath's truck and then he took me to the airport on his lunch break. I think that Heath is one of the nicest people in the world. He really got us out of this bind.

So here I am in Sacramento, CA enduring a little heat and getting ready to do my last bit of work for quite a while. I fly back to Salt Lake tomorrow, go back to lovely Orem (I am missing it already), and then cruise to Maple for a week and a half of climbing adventures. Yippee.

In the future, I will post pictures, but Megan took the camera back east with her and we never got around to dumping the photos to my computer.



  1. Dude-
    AAA. Platinum version. It is required of all VW Van owners. It will pay for itself. I have owned 3 VW busses and they all broke down at some point. And it's always painful. Have fun!
    Dave Allan

  2. Hmmm, I might have to do that.


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