Last week, I had the pleasure of substituting in a high school for an ESL class. I taught literature and Social Studies to a mix of Korean and Thai kids whose english is not yet up to par to fit into the main part of the international school. It was a blast. It is amazing how easy it felt to work with High School aged students after my short stint as a kindergarten teacher. I mean, I could actually reason with the students as opposed to resorting to jumping and dancing. And get this, they had an assignment to do, and they actually did it. I'm not saying that all kindergarten students are a bunch of miscreants who nothing more than to create bedlam, but I am saying that I have no idea how to work with those little dark angels.
I think the rowdiest part of the time was when we had about half and hour to kill and played a fun game of "Where's Pruie." This is a game that gets kids to close their eyes, walk around a room, and essentially try to figure out who is who. It is an opportunity to touch each other, which has its own set of red flags, but is also quite good at breaking down barriers.

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